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(!) Since support from Microsoft will end on January 14th, 2020, Windows 7 will be excluded from the recommended environment from December 15th, 2019 on this site. Vì lý do Microsoft kết thúc hỗ trợ cho Windows 7 vào ngày 14/01/2020, Windows 7 sẽ là hệ điều hành không được khuyến khích sử dụng với trang web này từ ngày 15/12/2019.

Water Drain Piping Components

Wastewater piping parts are used for pipes in buildings or worksites that drain rainwater, waste matter or gray water. These parts are widely used at apartment buildings, detached houses, stores and other facilities. Types include catch basins, rainwater catch basins, protective lids and gutter grating. They are made from materials such as ABS resin, PVC, polymer concrete and stainless steel. Polypropylene pipes are mainly used as wastewater pipes because they are easy to remove and install. Wastewater piping parts have a great effect on maintaining hygienic environments and integrity. Types are available that prevent the backflow of contaminated air, that have excellent odor-prevention or insect-proof performance, or for which use for the water supply or hot water is prohibited. It is important to select the correct type for the application and operating environment and check the installation method.