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(!) Since support from Microsoft will end on January 14th, 2020, Windows 7 will be excluded from the recommended environment from December 15th, 2019 on this site. Vì lý do Microsoft kết thúc hỗ trợ cho Windows 7 vào ngày 14/01/2020, Windows 7 sẽ là hệ điều hành không được khuyến khích sử dụng với trang web này từ ngày 15/12/2019.


Inspection and measurement devices detect abnormalities based on a set of predetermined standards, or are used in tasks to indicate by numerical value the length, weight, volume, etc., of an object or a phenomena. An example of such devices is an oscilloscope, which is used to provide a visual representation of sound waves. Commonly, Inspection and measurement devices can detect high-frequency signals and are used in electrical testing. Inspection and measurement devices also include electrical current and voltage testers. They come in either digital or analog types and are available in thin card-like designs, pencil-type designs, etc. Other instruments include vernier calipers used for measuring parts of objects, scales for measuring the length, weight, angle, etc., of objects, etc.